Monday, January 5, 2015

Nonis, Vicae Potae (January 2015)

So today's blog post covers two noted observances, though I only honor one. The first one is Nonis and the other is Vicae Potae. Nonis for this month is just a edict that the Rex Sacrorum did to fix feasts. I don't know if this is something that is done every year or something that was done in ancient times. Anyway, I'm not observing it but I'm noting it. The second one has a bit of history to it and that's the Vicae Potae. I'm giving some information about it below.

Vicae Potae

Anniversary (dies natalis) of the shrine of Vica Pota on the Velia, near the family house of the Valerii in early times. Vica Pota is an old Roman goddess, whose name is thought to be derived from vincere (to conquer) and potiri (to get possession of); she is therefore identified with Victoria, who later overshadowed the older deity.

A lot of deities that were adopted by the Romans ended up overshadowing the older deities, or spirits, that the Romans had observed. It's interesting that this happened and I wonder if any of the Romans observed the older deities that had been worshiped before the news ones came and took their place. Have a good day and may the gods smile down upon you.


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