This is going to be, sorry, another short post. This one is about the Carmentalia and Iuturnal. Since today is the 11th day of the month of January, then we turn our attention to these two.
The Carmentalia is a two day festival in honour of Carmentis, a
Goddess of childbirth and Prophecy. Into her shrine, it is unlawful to bear
leather, for it reminds death and the slaughter of animals (Ovidius,
"Fasti", 1.628ss). The prayers offered to her invoke the mysterious
Carmentes (Goddesses Porrima and Postverta) who preside the birth. Porrima
presides the birth when the baby's head comes first. Postversa presides the
birth when the feet of the baby come first (Aulus Gellus, "Attic
Nights", 16.16.4). Some interpret those Goddesses as presiding destiny, one
presiding over the past and the other over the future, being thus associated
with Ianus to whom the month of Ianuarius is sacred (Ovidius, "Fasti",
1.65; Macrobius, Saturnalia, 1.7.20).
Today, the Flamen Carmentalis, assisted by the Pontifices, offers sacrifice at
the shrine of Carmenta, which stays next to the Porta Carmentalis near the Capitol. The two days of the Carmentalia are separated by an impair number
of days (the second day is on January 15), which is specially pleasing to the
Festival of
Iuturna, Goddess of fountains and prophetic waters. Arnobius says that she is
the spouse of Fontus (Arnobius, "Adversus Nationes", 3.29). Today,
those charged with the adduction of waters celebrate the aniversary of her
temple, at the place where the Aqua Virgo (Virgin Water) aqueduct stands at the
Campus Martius (the Aqua Virgo was built by Agrippa in 19 BC).
I hope that you all have a good one and may the gods watch over you.
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