Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Castor Polluci ad Forum (January 2015)

Okay, time for another blog post. Thanks everyone for reading my blog and for any future comments that you might have for me. I really appreciate it.

Castor Polluci ad Forum

Aniversary (dies natalis) of the dedication of the temple of Castor and Pollux (the Dioscuri) at the Forum, which took place in 484 BCE. This temple was vowed after they have helped to secure Rome's victory over the army of the expelled King Tarquinius Superbus at Lake Regillus. The twins were seen watering their horses , still covered in sweat, by a man to whom they announced that the Romans had won the battle before even the Romans at the scene were convinced that they had won.

I hope that you all have a good one and may the gods bless you.

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