Friday, January 16, 2015

Concordiae (January 2015)

The subject of today's post is the Roman holiday of Concordiae. Below is some info about this holiday.

Aniversary (dies natalis) of the re-dedication of the Temple of Concordia, which stands below the Capitoline Hill, near the Tabularium. This temple was rebuilt by Tiberius in 7 AD out of the spoils of defeated Germany, and it was re-dedicated on 10 AD.
According to the tradition the original temple was dedicated in fulfillment of a vow made by Furius Camillus in 367 BCE, upon the end of the revolt that opposed plebeians and patricians. Nevertheless, it is not certain whether this temple was ever built. Probably the temple rebuilt by Tiberius was the one that the Senate ordered L. Opimius to build in 121 BCE after the death of Caius Gracchus. Whatever the truth, the dies natalis of the older temple was almost certainly July 22.

I hope that you all have a good one and have a wonderful remainder of your week.


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