Roman Rituals

So I'm going to be posting my Roman rituals that I have created. Only the first and last part belong to anyone. The bottom will have the credit and the link if you wish to follow his blog here on Wordpress. I hope that you all enjoy them and I start with June.

Month: June

June 1: Kalends, Juno Moneta, Mars, Tempestatibus, and Carna.

1: Purify your hands.
2: Cover your head and with clean hands hold out with palms, or right palm only, facing the shrine, light candle and say: "Be well revered Vesta, may your flames protect this family and may they light the path to well being.
3: Light incense, and say, "This month has begun and I only own (or don't owe) debt to anyone. My account will be, or is, clear.
4: Light a second incense, saying, "I offer this incense to you, Juno Moneta, Juno the warner, for without you Rome wouldn't of known about the attack that was coming by the Gauls. I give thanks to you for that."
5: Light a third incense, saying, "I offer this incense to you, Mars, you who bring Rome, and even us, glory. May you always protect us, if that's what you desire as well."
6: Light a fourth incense, saying, "I offer this incense to you, Tempestatibus, goddess of weather and storms. May you protect our shores from harm." (Note: I say this because it's the beginning of the hurricane season).
7: Light the final incense, saying, "I offer this incense to you, Carna, goddess of Door hinges and bodily health. Protect the liver, heart, and all my internal organs. (If you have a body part that is giving you problems then say, "Though mainly my, list organ, for it has been giving me trouble)."
8: Offer food to the gods that your honoring today, saying, "I offer this food to you, Vesta, Kalends, Juno Moneta, Mars, Tempestatibus, and Carna. May my offering please you and be accepted."
9: Pour libation to the gods that your honoring today, saying, "I pour this libation to you, Vesta, for you receive first offering, Kalends, Juno Moneta, Mars, Tempestatibus, and Carna. May my offering please you and be accepted."
10: Offer any additional prayers to the gods.
11: Finish the ritual by blowing a kiss to the shrine or placing palms together slightly the way Japanese people do (but do not interlock your fingers the way that some Christians do), and say, "To any divine beings who are listening, thank you for your blessings if they be so, and may they be so."

Or/and say: "I pay homage to the deities of this shrine both named and unnamed."

Blow a kiss or kiss your fingers and then touch the altar and say: "It is done!"

Note: The second part and the eleventh part are all credited to the site: I got it from the Household Shrine section and I do this to give credit. Check out his site, it's good and full of information.

June 3: Bellona

1: Purify Hands
2: Cover your head and with clean hands hold out with palms, or right palm only, facing the shrine light candle, and say, “Be well revered Vesta, may your flames protect this family and may they light the path to well being.” Burn incense to her.
3: Light second incense to Bellona and say, “I offer this incense to you, Bellona, wife, or sister, to Mars. On this, your day of honor.”
4: Offer food to her, saying, “I give this sacrifice to you, Bellona, enjoy it and bless me.”
5: Pour libations to Bellona, remember Vesta gets first, saying, “Bellona, enjoy it and bless me.”
6: If you want say any prayer to Bellona.
7: Finish the ritual by blowing a kiss to the shrine or placing palms together slightly the way Japanese people do (but do not interlock your fingers the way that some Christians do), and say, “To any divine beings who are listening, thank you for your blessings if they be so, and may they be so.”
Or/and say: “I pay homage to the deities of this shrine both named and unnamed.”
Blow a kiss or kiss your fingers and then touch the altar and say: “It is done!”
Note: The second part and the seventh part are all credited to the site: I got it from the Household Shrine section and I do this to give credit. Check out his site, it’s good and full of information.

June 7: Coming Soon

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