Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bellona (2015)

Today I honor Bellona, though I did celebrate it later on in the day. I went out with my mother shopping and I picked up a offering to give to her. I did pray to her this morning for strength. Bellona is the Roman goddess of War, taking that title from the Greek Athena. I feel the need to honor her as strength in face of those that would insult my religion and those that make religion look bad in general, is needed.

I have been praying to Bellona for a couple of days now and I have found that the goddess has given me something that I haven't had in a long time, inner strength and courage. I'm going to add her to my Roman altar. I hope that you all have a good day and may Bellona watch over you.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Having to Create My Own Rituals

So today is the second day of June and I was thinking about the topic of rituals. I have noticed that there aren't a lot of places where you can find Roman rituals. And that is what, I think, hurts a lot of people that are trying to honor their gods. Being a Roman Revivalist means creating your own rituals and doing them. Since the time to honor Bellona is tomorrow I'm going to be working on a ritual for her.

I don't honor Bellona, but with what is going on over there in the Middle East. I believe that honoring her is a good idea. I will also be praying more to Mars so that the side of good will win over the forces of darkness and evil. I find that creating my own rituals is so very important for my spiritual growth and development. So I'm going to write my own rituals to certain gods that are going to be honored.

I believe this is an important step in my life.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Kalends (June 2015), Juno Moneta, Mars, Tempestatibus, Carna

So this is the beginning of the month of June and I hope that your month will be wonderful. We start off by honoring the Kalends, which are honored at the beginning of each month. This one is the Kalends to Juno. Each month a Kalends is devoted to each god or goddess of the Roman pantheon, the important ones. So I will be offering what I can the Kalends for Juno. Below are four other Roman holidays that are celebrated.

Juno Moneta

Sacred to Juno Moneta (Juno the Warner), the aspect of Juno who warns of impending disasters and harmful events. It was her sacred geese who warned the Romans of the impending attack by the Gauls in 363 a.u.c. (389 BCE)


This day is sacred to Mars. It is the anniversary of the dedication of the Temple of Mars near the Capena gate.


Sacred to the Tempestates, Goddesses of weather and storms in particular.  (note: June 1st is the beginning of the hurricane season. I wonder if the Romans knew this long before the modern world picked it up? Hum, makes me wonder. Or did Nova Roma put this up? Don't know.)


Sacred to Carna, Goddess of door hinges as well as bodily health. She has the power to ward off stirges (vampires) from babies who are left in their cribs unattended. On this day prayers are offered to her for the health of the liver, heart, and other internal organs. She receives on this day offerings of bean-meal and bacon fat, which were thought to promote bodily health and robustness.

I hope that you all have a good day and may the gods bless you during the month.